Is property your long term financial plan? Are you wanting to organise your finances in a way that will support your lifestyle or retirement? The property portfolio game plan offers clients a 30 year tailored strategy for their property portfolio, taking you from where you are now to where you want to be.
This game plan covers all touch points of your investment strategy and allows you to generate your ideal amount of passive income through property, Allowing you to expand your property portfolio and deeply understand your investment strategy and finances to allow you to make educated, and informed decisions about the future.
A Property Game Plan assists you in creating capital growth, increasing rental yields and in the long term selling your properties to make a significant profit, Buying property is one of the biggest decisions that most people will make in their life, so it is essential to have a robust and professional plan to avoid costly mistakes.
Lux Buyers Agents Property Portfolio Game Plan covers many aspects of personal wealth, including:
Financial assessment to understand where you are currently and where you would like to be
Understanding and outline your goals and risk profile
Creation of an investment strategy that suits your personal goals and objectives
Risk identification
Life planning to ensure you can continue to hit your personal goals such as marriage and children, the perfect car or going on a holiday.
Connects you with a team of professionals that can assist you in achieving your goals such as mortgage brokers, financial planners, accountants, conveyancers, property managers and real estate agents.
New property investors
Established property investors
Those who have not begun their investment journey yet but would like to
Those looking to generate great passive income through property
1 Free Initial Consultation
We take a deep dive into your personal goals, financial position, your budgeting and expenses, your short term and long term goals for passive income to understand your personal path to success.
We outline time frames that you want to achieve your goals in and understand your personal risk profile and future planning. At the end of the consult we will give you limited access to the platform to fill in your scoreboard free of charge .
2 Financial Meeting
Gathering information from the Scoreboard that you have filled in our team works with you to ensure your finances are structured to support your goals and objectives. Working with our team of mortgage brokers we create a mortgage strategy plan to identify your borrowing capacity and what is required for your next two to three properties to ensure your game plan is realistic and successful.
At Lux Buyers Agents we don’t sign up any clients who we don’t think we can help to achieve their goals. That is why we work so closely with you prior to signing the contracts so we know we can make your dreams a reality. This is the exciting step where we start to make some real progress on your real estate goals.
The strategy meeting our team dive into the structure of your plan. We look at financial setup, spending and existing passive income. We then measure this against where you want to be and work to fill in the gaps.
From here we develop and analyse your property plan to ensure your short and long term goals are met.
Once our team has gone away and analysed the data we book in a 1 Hour consultation with our qualified property investment advisor who presents your complete online property plan.
We walk you through the steps needed to take you from today to your best future self and provide support and guidance on how to get there. We provide you with the numbers on everything you can spend, equity you can tap into, yields that need to be achieved and the long term financial outlook.
After this meeting you will have full client access for life to your tailored plan, tracking dashboard and ongoing support.